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It's great to see the Brazilian national team active again, with a high-profile friendly match against Spain, which ended in 😊 a 3-3 draw. Rodrygo, one of the team's star players, raised some controversy with his comments about the refereeing. Despite 😊 this, the game was a hit with the public, achieving the highest audience in four years for a friendly match 😊 on Globo TV. 📺

The upcoming matches for the Brazilian national team are promising to be exciting, with a busy schedule 😊 of friendly matches in the United States and, of course, the Copa América and World Cup qualifiers. The team's coach, 😊 Dorival Júnior, is also expected to announce new talent for the squad in the coming months. 🏋️‍♂️

In the game against 😊 Spain, we saw a new young Spanish talent, Lamine Yamal, who's only 15 years old! He's already being called the 😊 'Endrick of Spain', drawing parallels with Brazil's rising star, Endrick, who's also a wonderkid. This new rivalry between Brazil and 😊 Spain is sure to make future matches even more thrilling! 😈

Whether you're a fan of the Brazilian national team or 😊 just love soccer, it's clear that there's a lot to look forward to in the coming months! 🏆

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